Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vi Presento Cochlear's Nucleus 5- L'Impianto Cocleare Più Piccolo Che Esiste

Sto lavorando sulla traduzione in italiano, per adesso vi copio l'informazione condivisa qui.

BREAKING NEWS! New Cochlear Nucleus 5 System launched

Global leader in hearing solutions,

Cochlear has launched a new cochlear implant system that is designed to give patients best hearing performance, with the world’s thinnest cochlear implant.
Like everyone, people with impaired hearing want to lead an active and connected family and social life, without worrying that their hearing will hold them back. This means, for example, being able to hear clearly in different situations, communicating in groups without being distracted by background noise, talking easily on the telephone.

The Cochlear Nucleus 5 System is a new solution that not only meets those needs; it exceeds them, setting a new benchmark in the field of cochlear implant technology. With this complete system, Cochlear now offers patients of all ages a hearing solution that is easy to use, faster to fit, thinner, smaller, more robust, and designed for best hearing performance. The new, wireless remote assistant makes it convenient and easy for the user to monitor and adjust the sound processors during use.

Professor Gerard O'Donoghue, Professor of Otology and Neurotology at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust in Nottingham, and cochlear implant surgeon, commented: “The launch of the Cochlear Nucleus® 5 System represents a quantum leap forward in hearing implant technology.

“The new slim design makes for minimally invasive surgery techniques and reduces operating time, which is highly advantageous when implanting infants and young children. Many young children are now receiving implants simultaneously in each ear, so that reducing operating time has never been more important. The new design also means that the implanted electronics can barely be seen beneath the skin, which is cosmetically very pleasing.”

The Cochlear Nucleus 5 System comprises four components, each developed in close collaboration with leading surgeons around the world, each at the cutting edge of cochlear implant technology.

Nucleus CI500 Series cochlear implant
Thin, strong, precise

The Nucleus CI500 Series is the world’s thinnest cochlear implant. At only 3.9mm, its new, sleek design is 40% slimmer than our previous generation cochlear implant. This not only makes it less obtrusive, it also offers more convenience during surgery.

The Nucleus CI500 Series cochlear implant is 2½ times stronger, allowing children and adults to live a full and active life. It leverages over 25 years of experience in developing the world’s most reliable cochlear implants. Cochlear is a global pioneer in implant reliability, applying the learning from each implant generation to the next.

Precise stimulation to the cochlea is essential for optimal performance. Only Cochlear Nucleus implants have 22 half banded platinum electrode contacts, providing focused stimulation to the spiral ganglion cell region of the cochlea. The pre-curved, flexible electrode with Softip aids gentle insertion.

Nucleus CP810 Sound Processor
Performance, design, confidence

The Nucleus CP810 is Cochlear’s smallest and slimmest sound processor, ergonomically designed to be more secure and comfortable to wear. The modular design means it can easily be adjusted to fit children and adapted to withstand the bumps and knocks that are a part of every child’s life.

The new Auto Telecoil, a unique and patented feature, is available only on the CP810 Sound Processor. Instead of manually activating a Telecoil, the user simply picks up the phone and puts it to his or her ear.

The Nucleus CP810 Sound Processor is built on a titanium foundation, tested for performance and reliability. It is more water resistant than ever before², allowing users to enjoy good hearing in more situations, indoors and out. Furthermore, two state-of-the art omni-directional microphones capture more detailed sound and provide enhanced directional hearing.

Nucleus CR110 Remote Assistant
Monitor, control, manage

More than a remote control, the CR110 Remote Assistant is the only bi-directional remote assistant available that gives complete, wireless control of the CP810 Sound Processor, allowing patients to manage the sound processor functions easily; and for parents, it offers the additional confidence that they can adjust or monitor the processor for their child, without having to interrupt concentration or play.

The inbuilt troubleshooting guide makes it easy for the user to check that all is working well, without the need to visit a clinic.
Patients with two CP810 Sound Processors only need one remote assistant as this can control both the left and right sound processor at the same time.

Cochlear Nucleus Custom Sound™ Suite 3.0
Easier, flexible
Cochlear Nucleus Custom Sound Suite 3.0 simplifies programming through a more efficient workflow and improved user interface to leave more time to counsel patients. Fewer steps - Custom Sound 3.0 enables the configuration of a single MAP with the four default SmartSound 2 environments and writing the programmes to the processor with one click instead of 13.

Bilateral programming has been greatly simplified with Custom Sound 3.0 - both sound processors can be programmed simultaneously with a single screen.
Custom Sound 3.0 will support all legacy implants and processors as well as the Hybrid system.

Lifelong solution

Today, when choosing a cochlear implant, seven out of ten people globally choose Nucleus from Cochlear for its leading technology, superior reliability and lifetime commitment to customers.

Cochlear’s commitment to backwards compatibility ensures that patients are not left behind as science progresses. When new technologies are developed, Cochlear gives Nucleus users the opportunity to upgrade their processor and improve their hearing, without the need for additional surgery.

A complete system: the new benchmark
The Cochlear Nucleus 5 System sets the new benchmark with a unique combination of breakthrough, world-leading technologies:• The world’s thinnest cochlear implant• A small, slim sound processor with automatic phone detection• Complete wireless control for the user, using the remote assistant with inbuilt troubleshooting tool• Advanced software for simplified programming of the sound processor
Moreover, like all Cochlear solutions, this system is designed to accommodate future technological advances.


  1. Matilde "monterà" questo gioellino! Ramona

  2. Poi...le foto e mi racconti te a me!!!!! Bacione

  3. Dunque ho parlato a lungo ieri e oggi della novità, ieri con la logopedista oggi con l'audiologo.
    La logopedista è entusiasta per il numero di possibilità che racchiude e, perchè no anche per l'aspetto esterico. L'audiologo lo è molto meno, ammette che la tecnica fa progressi che vanno riconosciuto però crede che i vantaggi del nuovo processore siano un po' enfatizzati, per esempio a lui non piace il fatto che la riduzione di volume comporta poi l'adozione del telecomando.
    Agli utenti, come al solito, il verdetto definitivo!

  4. Ciaoooooooo!!!!!!!
    Interessante...credo che la Cochlear ha ascoltato il mercato, cioè la gente voleva un processore esterno più piccolo che è più resistente all'acqua e questo nuovo processore soddisfa queste esigenze. Il fatto che la parte interna è più sottile lo rende più facilmente inseribile in modo tale da poter conservare l'udito residuo del paziente. Chi vivrà...vedrà. So solo che per adesso non è compatibile con la parte interna che ha Jordan, cioè il nucleus 24, ma fra due anni dovrebbe essere...è però compatibile con la parte interna FREEDOM...
    Un abbraccione

  5. Qui ha Varese lo montano dallo scorso 1 ottobre... l'operazione che hanno fatto al primo paziente è durata solo 2 ore e mezza per entrambe le orecchie. La parte interna è più sottile ma più larga e quindi si vede molto meno lo spessore dal di fuori... RAmona

  6. Qui ha Varese lo montano dallo scorso 1 ottobre... l'operazione che hanno fatto al primo paziente è durata solo 2 ore e mezza per entrambe le orecchie. La parte interna è più sottile ma più larga e quindi si vede molto meno lo spessore dal di fuori... RAmona

  7. Hai,

    The information about the product of the Hearing solution is very good.

    The Directional microphones can also be used for the ear pieces in the mobile phone or in the head phone.
