Friday, June 15, 2012

Un Anno Dopo...

Esattamente un anno e quattro giorni fa ho scattato questa foto.. E la persona in quella foto non esiste più :D
Grazie all'IC, che mi ha fatto rinascere, con i suoi alti e bassi, e mi dà da fare tutti i giorni. La strada è ancora lunga, ma spero che si possa migliorare...
- Eleonora

1 comment:

  1. What about the advantages of tracking? You can also look for service providers that offer free trials. Everything in the world is, anyway. The introduction of VOIP technology worked as a boon for Small and medium businesses (SMBs) by offering a low cost alternative for business communications. These plans are scalable, and larger plans can be put together to fit the needs of a business. But the problem is the short term, based on their quarterly bottom line, they can find a win-win way out then? "Perkins said, if the depression continued into this year, expanding the commercialization of bio-plastics instead turn into a disaster.
