Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sottotitoli YouTube Automatici sul Google!!!

Se guardo questo video senza musica, non lo capisco perchè vedo solamente il linguaggio dei segni:

Pensate a quante persone con una perdita uditiva non hanno la possibilità di capire i testi delle canzoni. Ieri, Google ha fatto un annuncio in riguardo ad una nuova tecnologia che darà la possibilità a tutti gli utenti di avere accesso ai sottotitoli che sarano trasmessi in tempo reale in inglese su YouTube che poi, però possono essere tradotti in 51 lingue usando il traduttore Google.


L'articolo in Inglese...

The New York Times - November 19, 2009

Google to Caption YouTube Videos


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — In the first major step toward making millions of
videos on YouTube accessible to deaf and hearing-impaired people, Google
unveiled new technologies on Thursday that will automatically bring text
captions to many videos on the site.

While the technology can only insert captions on English language speech,
Google is giving users the choice to use its automatic translation system to
read the captions in 51 languages. That could broaden the appeal of YouTube
videos to millions of other people who do not speak English but could use
the captioning technology to read subtitles in their native language.

The speech recognition technology that Google uses to turn speech into text
is not new; Google currently uses it to transcribe voice mail messages for
users of its Google Voice service. But Ken Harrenstien, a deaf engineer who
helped develop the automatic captioning system, said the technology had
never been applied on such a large scale.

“This is some thing that I have dreamt of for many years,” Mr. Harrenstien
said speaking through an interpreter. “To see it happen, is amazing.”

YouTube already has several hundred thousand videos that have closed
captions, which typically come from broadcast networks that include them in
their programs. Some other online video sites like Hulu and AOL also have
some professionally created videos with closed captioning.

But Mr. Harrenstien said the vast majority of clips on YouTube do not have
captions and the new Google technology will generate them automatically.
YouTube is initially applying the captioning technology only to a few
channels, most of them specializing in educational content. They include
channels from universities like Stanford, Yale, Duke, Columbia and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as from P.B.S., National
Geographic and Google’s own corporate videos. The company plans to gradually
expand the number of channels that work with the automatic captioning

“Because the tools are not perfect, we want to make sure that we get
feedback from the video owners and the viewers before we roll it out for the
whole world,” Mr. Harrenstien said. “Sometimes the auto-captions are good.
Sometimes they are not great, but they are better than nothing if you are
hearing impaired or don’t know the language.”

Google also introduced a related service that gives anyone who uploads a
video to YouTube the option to also upload a text file of the words spoken
in the video. Google will turn the text file into captions, automatically
matching the spoken words with the files.

The technology, which Google calls “auto-timing,” will make it easy for
anyone to add captions to their videos. It will be available to YouTube
users worldwide, and Google said it would be particularly useful for
videographers who shoot from a script, since they already have a file of the
text spoken in the video.

In addition to helping people who are deaf or do not speak English, the
captions will make it easier for anyone to search text inside videos and
find specific snippets within a video.

Google announced the new features on Thursday at an event in Washington. The
company said they would be available by the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Che bella notizia brava Google! Non ho capito poi come funziona traduttore automatico per i sottotitoli, in simultanea? Si apre una altra schermata?
